You’ll kick yourself for not having done this sooner
Based on your results you really love products 👀
Life loves to throw curveballs your way but you have a natural ability to juggle everything at once.
The way you handle change means you make it through things that would make others give up.
Does this mean you’ll never trip up sometimes?
Of course not.
But, when the road gets tough, you don’t just stand there – you adapt and find a way to move forward.
When you say you’ll do something, you do it.
Never waiting for someone else to step up, you take charge and make sure things get done.
People trust you because you always follow through. And that’s a superpower.
But be careful not to take on too much at once.
Success isn’t just about getting things done – it’s about doing the right things.
You find solutions where others only see problems.
This keeps you ahead of the game.
When faced with challenges, you easily break them down into small steps, so nothing is too big to handle.
It might take you a bit longer to get going because you think about all the options.
But this lets you tap into your true strength – turning chaos into clarity.
And did you know you had these strengths? Once you lean into them it'll all make sense
You always felt you were meant for more... and you were right
Put your strengths together with your love of products and your perfect side hustle is a
You could be just like Stu Macdonald. Stu always had a passion for peanuts (who doesn't am I right?). When graduating university he secured himself a nice comfy accounting job with a fancy Big 4 firm. But his love of peanuts didn't disappear.
Instead Stu began making peanut butter in his friend’s kitchen and storing it in jars. His first customers were people in his local community and everyone who tried the product loved it. But he just wasn't ready to quit his job yet. So he kept working on his side hustle for another 11 months.
He was still perfecting his homemade PB, when he got the call that changed his life. It was from a huge online supermarket. And they wanted to sell his peanut butter. That's when Stu had to make the tough choice: stay in his comfortable job, or take the leap in the hope of something more.
He finally built up the courage to quit his job and work on his business full-time. Now his peanut butter, ManiLife, is one one of the most popular across the whole UK.
Stu understood that being an employee was not going to give him the life he wanted.
Pain points and change image to a gloomy one
Not only that, business owners get to keep more of their money (legally).
But I’m biased so don’t listen to me.
Instead take a look at the numbers for yourself.
Type your yearly salary into the box. Then move the slider to change the number of sales per month. The number at the bottom is the profit you'd need to make in each sale to match your current income.
You could go with selling something more expensive to a few people. Or selling something super cheap to loads of people instead.
Seems more doable than you thought huh?
And if you want to really break your brain – go back up and put in your dream salary. You'll be amazed at how little you actually need to sell
I know that number you saw got you pretty excited didn’t it? But running a business is not all sunshine and rainbows.
It’s hard work dealing with customers, managing money and dealing with the ups and downs.
But when you get it right?
Wow is it worth it
No coworkers so you don't have anyone's hot breath in your face first thing on Monday (or have to pretend you care about their weekends)
Your bossing applying to work for you after your business takes off and he gets laid off
Become the golden child of the family and watch your mum start bragging to anyone who'll listen
You get to work from anywhere, so go ahead and make your old classmates jealous with those Bali café posts on Insta (I would hate you too)
Make the money you deserve which means you can finally ditch the budget and don't have to sort from low to high on ASOS anymore
Your friends using you as a way to flex at parties by introducing you as “the rich business owner”
You can definitely learn all you need to about business for free online.
How do I know? Because that's exactly what I did.
What you see here is the result of two years of working on my side hustle and making every mistake along the way.
But you don't have to go through the confusion and overwhelm like I did.
I haven’t got all the answers. I’ve definitely not reached the success that I want yet. But I have figured one thing out for sure.
And that’s how to get started.
If you want to skip the painful lessons and fast-track your first sale, grab the First Step Framework.
It walks you through everything you need to land your first customer – built special just for starting a product-business side hustle.
You’ll get:
A step-by-step checklist so you can skip the confusion – don't waste the little free time you do have, just follow the proven path
A detailed video guide that doesn’t just show you how but explains why, giving you an unfair advantage over your competition
Ready-to-use templates from proven campaigns to help you get your first customer so fast it'll feel like cheating
All that for just £9!
But hurry!
If you sign-up before the end of the week I’ll throw in a bonus checklist on How To Get Customers On LinkedIn (worth £20) because I want to reward action takers.
This will make getting your first customers feel easier than hitting snooze on your Monday morning alarm.
You said you cared about investing in learning and growth. Now's your chance.
Don't be stuck in the same place 5 years from now.
You'll never regret betting on yourself!